Name: Fuchsia (that’s ch-s not s-ch)
Location: Mostly gardens or public garden spaces
Months: Flowers and berries in summer/Autumn
Edible Parts: Flowers and Berries
Non-Edible Parts: Leaves, Stalks
Fuchsia is a great flowering plant to have in your garden or allotment. For one thing the BEES love it! So if you are adding it to any area, bear this in mind and place it away from seating areas and preferably in the middle of crop plants to encourage the bees.
There are lots of different varieties of fuchsia – some have large flowers, and large berries and others are light pink or purple or fuchsia coloured! However, none of them are poisonous. Each different variety has it’s own flavour and sweetness so try them out and taste for yourself what kind of berry they produce before you buy to make sure you get a strain that suits you. Some are super sweet and some are a bit bitter and have an after taste.

I purchased this plant here for my new permaculture allotment because of the following key reasons:
- You can eat the berries fresh or make them into jams etc
- You can eat the flowers or use them as food decorations
- They attract bees to your plot
- They look pretty and add an extra edible dimension to a standard plot