
Simple Kimchi

This is something I have been experimenting with recently to use up all those tatty outer leaves of my homegrown cabbages. They ones that don’t look very nice because they are slug eaten and sometimes a bit tougher than the fresh heart of the cabbage. They are just as good for you, so this recipe is great for breaking them down a little bit and making them more palatable and aesthetically pleasing!


  • Cabbage Leaves
  • Onion Chives (optional)
  • Radishes (optional)
  • Fresh Chillies
  • Sea Salt/Rock Salt
  • Thumb of peeled Ginger
  • Up to 5 garlic gloves

How much of these extra spices you put in will depend on your personal preference so have a go experimenting for a bit first.


  • Wash and finely chop the cabbage leaves so that it is shredded. Remove any tough stalk ends.
  • Cover in a generous helping of salt, approximately 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Massage the cabbage with the salt and you should see liquid start to appear. Leave for a further hour covered up with a plate or cloth.
  • Meanwhile, finely grate the garlic and ginger and chop the chillie peppers. Mix well together into a paste with a few tsp of water to aid consistancy.
  • After the hour, rinse the cabbage through. Add the paste, and chopped onion/radish and mix well.
  • Add to a clean sterilised jar and push the cabbage down firmly and evenly so that it is submerged underneath the liquid that rises up.
  • Allow to ferment for 5-7 days. Then store in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

Stirchley Apple Day Volunteering

We love our friends over at the Strichley Fruit and Nut Village and they decided to run a special apple themed day by Riverbrook in Stirchley this year and asked if we could pop along and do something. Naturally we said YES!

We brought all the equipment and our board members Alan and Stephy (and their wee one Lily) along to the event to help with a sustainable life style stall in support of their event.

We donated our equipment, time and produce to the event to create….. CHOCOLATE COVERED APPLES OF COURSE!

We didn’t sell them or pre make them – visitors were able to make their own on the day, and they were vegan friendly and dairy free to boot. Perfect!

We loved seeing everyone enjoy their apples from creation to eating and had a fantastic day! We have to finish mid day as we had quite simply RUN OUT OF EVERYTHING (We will have to double our stock next year!).