Wild Garlic

Wild Garlic

Name: Wild Garlic

Location: Mostly found on Riverbanks

Months: March, April

Edible Parts: Leaves and Bulbs

Non-Edible Parts: Flowers

When young the leaves are mild and great additions to salads. If you go for the bulb it can be used just like a shop garlic clove. As the plant matures the leaves become extremely strong flavoured and you will want to use them more sparingly. Once it flowers it’s time to leave it be as with most plants.wildgarlicbowl


Strawberry Wine

strawberry wine

The strawberry wine I made last year was not my best batch and was the first one I had made in some years.

I made a 1 Gallon batch last year and produced 5 bottles. It was hard to clear the sediment and they ended up fizzing up a bit in the bottle. We tried one last bottle almost exactly a year later and the flavour definitely improved. I’m glad to say we have perfected our technique by leaps and bounds over the last year, please stay tuned as I will be putting up the best of these recipes when they are successful enough to share.





strawberry wine

strawberry wine