We like to be as transparent and open as possible. This is why we thought you might like to know what sort of things we are up to in our neighbourhood, who we’re talking to and why. If you wish to discuss any of these ideas you can bring them up at our next AGM, or send us an email to admin@suslife.uk anytime. Alternatively, get involved in your community directly and come along to one of the many Friends/Forum meetings in your neighbourhood.
- We attended the Treescapes Conference 2021 held by the University of Birmingham to discuss tree research and connecting researchers to those “in the field”.
- We funded and set up the Easter Spring Trail in Ten Acres on behalf of FOTA.
- We continue to provide volunteer hours and support to FOTA to update it’s website, graphics, photography, videos and more.
- We have been asking for bins to be placed at the entrances of Ten Acres Woodland area including local neighbouring councillors.
Kings Heath
- We are working with the Highbury Chamberlain Trust to coordinate volunteers on site to help clear pathways and restore the original garden. This year we will be focusing on the restoration of the rhododendron garden. This is paid work.
- We are attending the Highbury Sustainability Festival on 13th June 2021 raising funds for our local community projects, badge station and a natural cordage demo.
We posted a variety of free online resources for the Urban Tree Festival & Birmingham Tree People including a mini tree walk video, kids activity sheets, woodland management videos and the spring and snowflake trails.
You can find our blog post here and the tree walk video here.